Carrot Cultivation: This red vegetable makes you rich in winter
Carrot Cultivation: Carrot farming brings in millions of rupees for a Baghpat farmer. In the winter, there is a strong market demand for carrots, which helps the farmer make money. One such crop that may be produced in 60 to 70 days and sold is the carrot crop. This organically cultivated carrot is popular. Because of its excellent market rate, the farmer makes more money from it than from other crops.

For twenty years, this farmer has been growing carrots
According to Sandeep, a farmer from Baghpat, his family has been growing carrots on around 100 bighas of land for the last 20 years. Carrots cultivated organically are in high demand on the market. Carrots are still sold for between 40 and 60 rupees per kilogram, which allows them to make a healthy profit. Carrots, on the other hand, are in high demand throughout the winter months. Carrot halwa, salad, and veggies are all made using carrots.
There is a substantial profit
They make excellent money since carrots are in high demand at the local vegetable market. They save time and money on rent when certain dealers visit their farm and purchase carrots. This raises the potential for more profit. According to the farmer, the revenue from carrots is twice that of other crops. The farmer’s carrots are now marketed in Delhi, Dehradun, Haryana, and other locations.
How are carrots grown?
According to Farmer Sandeep, carrot seeds are sown in the field after laser holes are made in it. Following this, carrots are watered as needed and the appropriate precautions are taken to keep insects away. In only 60 to 70 days, carrots are ready to be sold in the market, where they generate healthy earnings. Farmers from the area visit to see their farming.