Gram farming: If there is a delay in sowing gram, then farmers should choose these varieties
Gram farming: About three and a half lakh hectares are planted with rabi crops in Khargone, Madhya Pradesh. This is where farmers grow the most wheat and gram. Agricultural specialists advise that gram seeding be completed by November 10. However, farmers may plant late gram till the end of December if their fields have been cleared late. However, they will only be able to choose short-duration types. Additionally, the farming method will need to be modified.

According to Dr. GS Kulmi, Senior Scientist and Chief of Khargone Krishi Vigyan Kendra, farmers in this area grow gram on around 70,000 hectares. Grams are said to be best sown between October 20 and November 10. However, Khargone’s cotton fields are emptied late, which causes farmers to seed later than planned. Currently, growers should choose enhanced cultivars with short duration if they want to plant gram late.
Some 100- to 105-day variants
The agricultural specialist says that farmers should only plant late gram types that produce in a short period of time (100 to 105 days) or extremely early. JG-11, which produces in 100 days, is another option available to farmers. Additionally, farmers should remember that the types they choose should be able to withstand heat for brief periods of time.
This is how you sow gram.
According to scientist Dr. Kulmi, if gram is being sown late, care should be taken with both the kinds and the planting technique. Avoid planting late gram after watering. Rather, prepare the land, plant it while it’s dry, and then water it. Farmers will make up the fifteen-day delay using this strategy. On the other hand, the farmer is delayed by an additional 15 days when irrigation is provided. In the event of a delay, the farmer should additionally treat the seeds.