New variety of sugarcane: This new variety will give bumper production to the farmers
New variety of sugarcane: For sugarcane growers, there is good news. A novel sugarcane variety has been created by researchers at the Indian Sugarcane Research Institute in Lucknow. The unique feature is that farmers will get bumper crops from this new type. This type also has a resistance to red rot disease. This will also result in a strong sugar output for sugar mills.

This new sugarcane type is extremely straightforward for farmers to recognize. This kind of sugarcane has a medium thickness, solidity, and hardness. This sugarcane has a round, sticking eye; in some varieties, two or three eyes are located on a single node. This sugarcane’s dried leaves are readily removed. Harvesting this kind of sugarcane is very simple.
The scientists at the Indian Sugarcane Research Institute in Lucknow have created a new sugarcane variety, Co. Lakh. 16202, according to Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Pathak, Extension Officer of the Uttar Pradesh Sugarcane Research Institute. The Coimbatore and Lucknow Sugarcane Breeding Centers worked together to generate this sugarcane cultivar. This sugarcane cultivar is immune to red rot and wilt. The unique feature is that this is a fast-ripening variety that yields high yields at little cost for growers.
The output will be this much.
Experts in agriculture say this new sugarcane strain is growing well. With this cultivar, farmers may produce up to 920 quintals per hectare. This cultivar also yields outstanding sugar recovery for sugar mills. When harvested in November, the sugar recovery rate was 11.94 percent; when harvested in January, it was 13.57 percent. Red rot disease resistance in this cultivar is modest.