Weed Control In Wheat: To get rid of the problem of weeds in wheat crop, do this work 24 hours after sowing
Weed Control In Wheat: One major issue with wheat crops is weeds. The wheat crop is in competition with weeds. Gilly-Danda is a weed that particularly damages wheat crops. Farmers should use herbicide at the time of planting in order to avoid it and effectively manage it. This will prevent weeds from growing in the wheat crop. However, farmers should consider the advice of specialists while using weedicide.

Weeds compete with plants, according to Dr. NP Gupta, an agriculture expert assigned to Krishi Vigyan Kendra Niyamatpur. Consequently, the plants’ access to light, water, and nutrients is impacted. Consequently, plant growth is impacted, and productivity is also impacted by up to 30%. It is crucial that farmers use the herbicide Pendimethalin 30% EC while planting in such circumstances. As a result, weeds can be stopped from growing, and even if they do, they will naturally perish when the area is irrigated.
This is how to prepare the solution.
When applying the weedicide Pendimethalin, it is crucial to remember the following. Pendimethalin medication should be used either soon after wheat is sown or within 24 hours. Spray 1.5 liters of Pendimethalin after dissolving it in 200 liters of water.
How is pendimethalin sprayed?
The herbicide A coating of pendimethalin is formed on the earth. As a result, the seeds of the weeds do not sprout, and if they do, they perish during the first watering. However, farmers should walk sideways or backwards while applying the weedicide to ensure that the coating that forms on the soil does not break.