With these three techniques, farmers will no longer have to burn their stubble, and they will also make a lot of money

One of the major issues for farmers is dealing with the stubble after harvesting the paddy. Farmers are compelled to burn stubble because they have no other option. Because of this, the states of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, etc. in northern India have significant environmental pollution. Delhi, the nation’s capital, sees a worsening of the crisis.

In this circumstance, stubble burning has been outlawed by the Supreme Court, although there has been no discernible decrease in the number of incidents. The farmers’ justification for burning stubble is that they are compelled to do so because they lack a simple method to manage it. In this case, we will provide the farmers with some such techniques that will not only solve the issue of managing the stubble but also enable the farmers to make high profits from the stubble, preventing the need for burning the with these three techniques farmers will no longer have to burn their stubble and

Farmers should create stubble bales

Paddy is harvested with combined harvesting equipment in various locations throughout the nation. In this case, a baler is used to create bales from paddy straw. Let us inform you that there is a healthy market demand for these bales. These bales are often exchanged for high prices by even balers. While many companies in Punjab and Haryana purchase bales from farmers. The research indicates that the Samsung Paper Industry in Karnal, Haryana purchases straw bales from farmers in order to create power.

Creating straw from twigs

The farmer’s best and simplest option for dealing with the stubble after rice harvest is to turn it into straw. Farmers may use thresher machines to turn stubble into straw. The cost of a quintal of stubble straw is Rs 600. As a result, farmers won’t have to worry about burning their stubble and selling straw will bring them a lot of money.

Using hay and straw to create organic fertilizer

From the stubble, farmers may make organic fertilizer if they so want. Farmers must either melt the stubble in a pit or cover the composting unit they are using with the stubble after adding earthworms. Farmers may either utilize this organic fertilizer themselves or sell it to boost their revenue.

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